
Enough with the celebrity train wrecks

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WHY are we continuing to glamorize and celebrate the likes of Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, et al. [“Hooked on Look,” by Melissa Magsaysay, July 28]? And on the very same day, the California section ran a news story, “Nicole Richie to Serve 4 Days in Jail for DUI.”

These are seriously misguided, deeply disturbed and, yes, criminal young women who think their celebrity makes them above the law. Is there such a dearth of real role models for today’s young women whose style can be emulated?

Let’s get these “celebutantes” (your term) off the front pages and magazine covers and replace them with women whose accomplishments can be respected and emulated.


Wendy Graf

Los Angeles

I can’t be alone in thinking the concept of “rehab chic” is in appallingly bad taste. Of course, bad taste is what the fashion world lives on; we all remember the “heroin chic” and “death camp chic” runway looks.

But glorifying the wardrobes of young women coping with drug addiction? That’s a new low.

Bonnie Sloane

Los Angeles

MS. Lohan et al. need help, not a wardrobe critique, and part of that help is making them understand in no uncertain terms that they will be held accountable for their actions. The rest of us might consider giving celebrities a bit of space, and respecting their privacy, so they’ll have less justification for that last anti-stress “one for the road.”

Evelyn Caro

