
Palmdale water board orders conservation measures

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Times Staff Writer

The Palmdale water board voted unanimously Wednesday to clamp down on customers who ignore the city’s voluntary water conservation policy, but rejected a resolution that would have imposed mandatory rationing -- at least for now.

Under the plan, Palmdale Water District customers will have to adhere to such measures as watering no more than three days a week, on alternate days, and before 6 a.m. or after 6 p.m.; not allowing water to run off landscape areas; and not using water to water to wash down sidewalks.

Commercial nurseries, golf courses, parks, schoolyards and other open public spaces will not be allowed to water landscaping more than five days a week. Hand-held nozzles must be used for rinsing cars and other equipment, unless reclaimed wastewater is used.


Restaurants, hotels and other public places where food is sold will not be allowed to serve drinking water unless customers request it. Hotel, motels and short-term lodging venues will be required to post a notice stating that there is a water shortage and list any compliance measures.

In May, the district asked its 25,000 customers to reduce water usage by 15% by voluntarily adopting many of these conservation policies, said General Manager Dennis LaMoreaux. But only a 5% reduction was achieved. The agency is now demanding that customers reduce their usage by at least 10%, LaMoreaux said.

Water officials had relied on neighbors to report violators. The measures passed by the water board Wednesday, however, will allow district employees to monitor neighborhoods, track customers who abuse the policy and enforce compliance.


A warning will be issued to first-time offenders, LaMoreaux said. A second violation would elicit another notice and a $50 fine.

Continual rule-breakers could face a $1,000 fine and disconnection of their water service.

“If we can make people make changes with regards to their landscaping it would make a big difference,” said Claudette Roberts, the district’s water conservation manager. Landscape irrigation accounts for at least 70% of water usage in the district, Roberts said.

The conservation measures come as Southern California experiences a historic dry spell. Many cities, including Los Angeles, are urging their customers to voluntarily restrict water usage.


The Palmdale water agency has negotiated a deal with West Kern Water District in Taft to receive 5,000 acre-feet of water. One acre-foot is equivalent to about 326,000 gallons of water, the amount typically used by a single family per year, LaMoreaux said.

“We think we can get to where we need to by the end of the year,” he said.

