
Making a case for death penalty

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Re “Probe of one death leads to alleged plot for gang ‘hit,’ ” Dec. 7

For years, I have been reading about The Times’ view of capital punishment as barbaric; something a civilized society should not practice. This article screams to differ. I contend that the death penalty is a necessity simply because some human beings are so inherently evil that they should never have been born. The death penalty rectifies the mistake and, most important, prevents that evil from causing any further pain and suffering.

Jacques Padilla, a reputed Mexican Mafia member serving a life sentence for murder, operates unfettered from prison. His life sentence has done nothing to stop him or his activities. More pain and suffering (and almost another death) have resulted from this, let alone the cost to taxpayers to house and feed him. Prison for him is a minor irritant (so much for deterrence). I find no reason this man should still be alive. If you have a reason, I would love to hear it.

Jim Dowling

