
McCain wants to preclude torture

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From the Associated Press

Republican White House hopeful John McCain says he wants “a crash program” in civilian and military schools that emphasizes language and creates a “new specialty in strategic interrogation” so that the nation never feels the need for torture.

Sen. McCain, a former Vietnam prisoner of war who suffered mistreatment, talked about the new proposal at a Columbia campaign stop Saturday.

McCain said he wanted to create an Army Advisory Corps of 20,000 soldiers to act as military advisors and a new Office of Strategic Services to fight terrorists. He said he wanted them to pursue “a crash program in civilian and military schools” to prepare more experienced speakers in strategically important languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and others, and to “create a new specialty in strategic interrogation -- a new group of strategic interrogators so that we never have to feel motivated to torture anyone ever again.”


When asked if he knew whether U.S. forces had engaged in torture, the senator from Arizona said he didn’t.

“I do not know whether they’ve been involved in torture because I don’t have that kind of information,” McCain said. “I do know that when tapes are destroyed of interrogations, it contributes enormously to the cynicism, the skepticism, and also is further damaging to the image of the United States of America in the world.”

The CIA recently acknowledged that in 2005 it destroyed videotapes made three years earlier of the CIA’s interrogations of two terrorism suspects. The tapes were made to document how CIA officers used new, harsh questioning techniques approved by the White House to force recalcitrant prisoners to talk.

Intelligence officials have said the methods that were shown on the videotapes included waterboarding, an interrogation tactic that causes the sensation of drowning and is banned by the Pentagon.

McCain also said he met with a “high-ranking member of Al Qaeda in Iraq” who told him that post-invasion lawlessness and images of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib helped recruit insurgents. The latter was “a great recruitment tool,” McCain said. “He said it, and I believe it.”

He also said he’d go after terrorists with a new military force. “I’ll set up a new agency patterned after the old Office of Strategic Services that will be a small, nimble, can-do organization that will fight” terrorists anywhere in the world and on the Internet, McCain said.


Later, at Newberry College’s commencement ceremony about an hour away in Newberry, McCain talked about the response to torture being a measure of character.

“These tools are not American tools, and the easy way is not the American way,” McCain told the graduating class.

McCain said the people he spent time with as a POW in Vietnam were tortured and encouraged to make statements to stop their suffering, but they didn’t, even when promised that no one would find out. McCain said that they would know what they’d said.

“That, my friends, is character,” McCain told the graduating class.
