
Leo McCarthy, a true public servant

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Re “Leo McCarthy, 76; Democrat served as lieutenant governor, Assembly speaker,” obituary, Feb. 6

I was privileged to be Leo T. McCarthy’s press secretary from 1978 to 1981, the last three years of his Assembly speakership.

McCarthy tended toward blandness, favoring plaid jackets and mismatched pants, shirts and ties. Another top aide and I hustled him off to a Beverly Hills haberdasher who outfitted him in suits more befitting a leading politician. Still, despite the new outfits, he remained the essential Leo -- tightly focused on his job, somewhat stiff on the public stage but a superb public servant, true to himself and his principles even when they went against popular opinion.


I advised him to oppose Proposition 13 in 1978. He agonized over it but in the end took the very prominent lead in opposition, a fact that certainly mitigated against him in future campaigns.

Even though he served as lieutenant governor with equanimity, I believe he would have served the state much better as governor. But that’s politics, and Leo knew it better than anyone.


Camas, Wash.
