
Boot’s accusations over Putin’s speech

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Re “The louse that roared,” Opinion, Feb. 14

In contrast to Max Boot’s nastiness, Russian President Vladimir V. Putin’s speech in Munich offered an invitation to non-confrontationally think in what will hopefully be a worldwide debate about the roles of various countries in this young century.

The speech was an appeal for a world in which different interests work together on global issues. It was not a threat but rather an exploration into why Russia feels threatened by the recent moves of certain countries. The expansion of NATO, proposed anti-missile systems at our doorstep and increasingly bellicose language toward Iran do indeed worry us.

Putin’s speech won over many people throughout the world who are wary of America’s global dominance. It is eminently reasonable for countries with large populations and buoyant economies to expect their views to be taken seriously. Russia has a booming economy with average incomes soaring and inflation receding. Putin has accomplished much for the Russian people, despite Boot’s accusations.




The writer is Putin’s deputy spokesman.


If Russia is truly the weak and dysfunctional nation that Boot claims it to be, why did Western nations choose to expand NATO right up to this supposed weakling’s borders? Why is the U.S. now proposing to position a missile defense system in Eastern Europe? And why is the U.S. following a confusing and inconsistent set of policies on the rights of minorities in Armenia, Chechnya and Kosovo, where the only consistent thread is an anti-Russian slant? Far from viewing Russia as a relic whose time has passed, Western governments have taken counsel of their fears and are pursuing an unofficial policy of Russian containment. It is not Putin who is caught in a Cold War time warp. It is the West.



Los Angeles


If Boot is thinking that Putin is the louse, what then is President Bush? Remember, Putin and the Russians don’t want to fight with anybody. They had enough of that in the past.


Novorossiysk, Russia
