
Ballots printed in Persian

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Re “For some, Beverly Hills ballots went too Farsi,” Feb. 23

Nearly 30 years have gone by since the original Iranian immigrants settled in Beverly Hills and the surrounding areas. By far, the majority of us spoke perfect English even then. Since that time, two generations of our children have been born and educated in this country. They have excelled -- indeed, become leaders -- in every artistic, professional and commercial field. The printing of Persian-language ballots for a population that is as successful and integrated as the Iranians in Beverly Hills is patronizing and offensive to the very people it purports to serve. It fulfills no real need and manages to fuel the often-unjustified antagonism of our American neighbors.


Beverly Hills


Once again, the citizens of Beverly Hills take the lead in that fine old American sport: immigrant bashing. Those Beverly Hills ladies must be so proud of attempting to keep Beverly Hills from appearing like a Persian (Farsi) restaurant. It’s indeed farcical.



Los Angeles
