
Stooges essential? Ugh

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RICHARD CROMELIN, in the opening sentence of his review of the Stooges’ new album, “The Weirdness” (Record Rack, March 4), states that the Stooges are “one of rock’s undisputedly essential bands.” Planet Earth to Cromelin: The Stooges are of no importance whatsoever. They made little impact initially, certainly none musically (no hits, no recordings remaining on playlists, few song covers by other bands/singers), gaining notice only via the self-mutilating antics of Iggy Pop.

Cromelin goes on to write that the “Stooges turned their severe limitations of technique into an artistic signature, a crude, primordial simplicity that spelled identity and release for a small audience of disaffected....” Translation: The Stooges had no musical skills so they thrashed out what they could and found a few losers willing to listen. Cromelin updates: “They now don’t sound very different from a lot of the music that’s out there.” Translation: The significant reduction of musical talent within contemporary bands and the lowered standards mean the simple-minded thrash of rank amateurs is equivalent to the Stooges “crude, primordial simplicity.”

Sadly, Cromelin’s review was above a review of Wynton Marsalis’ latest CD, thus giving some respect-by-association to cretinous know-nothings via the truly skilled and talented.



North Hollywood
