
Running ahead of himself?

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Re “Weiss readies bid for city atty.,” March 8

Los Angeles City Councilman Jack Weiss’ recent announcement that he’s a “prosecutor, not a politician” and that he’s now focusing on building a political war chest for the city attorney election in 2009 prompted several reactions from this constituent.

It would have been nice if Weiss had disclosed his lack of interest in mundane council matters before standing for election to be our representative. Because he undoubtedly will spend the rest of his term running for city attorney, he should resign and let someone else try to deal with the overdevelopment, traffic, trash, graffiti, homeless encampments and failure of code enforcement in his district. Weiss is clearly a consummate politician like his compatriot, the mayor -- always on the lookout for a headline to promote himself for the next election.


Los Angeles



As a retiring member of the board of the Cheviot Hills Homeowners Assn. and a current member of the Westside Neighborhood Council, I was wracking my brain trying to think of any circumstance under which I could vote for Weiss for city attorney, and then it came to me. I will support Weiss if his opponent is “Scooter” Libby.


Los Angeles
