
This Week in Calendar

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Marjorie Miller reviews “Reporting Iraq: An Oral History of the War by the Journalists Who Covered It,” edited by Mike Hoyt, John Palattella and the staff of the Columbia Journalism Review.

Celeste Fremon reviews “Blue Rage, Black Redemption: A Memoir” by Stanley Tookie Williams.

Tim Rutten reviews “Signed, Mata Hari,” a novel by Yannick Murphy.

The following reviews are scheduled:

Tara Ison reviews “Five Easy Decades: How Jack Nicholson Became the Biggest Movie Star in Modern Times” by Dennis McDougal.

David Kessler reviews “The Rowing Lesson,” a novel by Anne Landsman.

Allen Barra reviews “The Last Great Fight: The Extraordinary Tale of Two Men and How One Fight Changed Their Lives Forever” by Joe Layden.


On the Web

This week at

In Word Play, Sonja Bolle remembers William Steig, who would have turned 100 this month. The iconic illustrator and children’s author (he wrote, among other works, “Shrek!,” “Dominic,” “Abel’s Island” and “The Real Thief”) never talked down to his young readers, reminding them that the world is dangerous and that we must face it with courage and dignity.

Lists and blog: Look for expanded bestseller lists, book excerpts and our guide to local literary events, as well as Jacket Copy,, our books and publishing information blog.


‘Day of Empire’: Last Sunday’s review of Amy Chua’s “Day of Empire: How Hyperpowers Rise to Global Dominance -- and Why They Fall” erroneously referred to Roman emperor Trajan as having had a Muslim advisor. Trajan had an advisor who was a Moor.
