
Wrong for Yellowstone

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Re “Snowmobile limits set for Yellowstone,” Nov. 21

What in the world is wrong with the National Park Service? I thought it was supposed to be a steward of one of the most beautiful places in our country. Instead, it decided in its wisdom to allow 540 snowmobiles a day to tear up Yellowstone National Park. The head of the service said the decision was “right for Yellowstone.” I know it might put a crimp in the profits of the snowmobile manufacturers, but they should stop making the things anyway -- for the sake of the energy shortage, gasoline costs, global warming, all those things. They are not necessary toys, and they destroy the purpose and beauty of a snow-clad Yellowstone.

Note to the riders of the snarling pieces of plastic and metal: Try snowshoe hiking or cross-country skiing. It’s much healthier and could improve the physique a little.

Tom Reinberger

