
Law enforcement isn’t a game

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Re “For deputies, arrests can be a contest,” Oct. 4

After reading about the “competitions” among Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies “organized” by Lt. James Tatreau, I have one question: Why is this guy still on the job? He made a game of affecting the lives of ordinary citizens, showing us again how law enforcement officers continue to see themselves above “mere people.” Morale booster? Sure, especially to the people whose cars were towed and no doubt ended up paying hundreds of dollars to get them back. If he has a problem with lazy officers, why doesn’t he deal with it the way most managers deal with nonproductive employees? The fact that Tatreau sees nothing wrong in this behavior tells you all you need to know about his attitude. And if Sheriff Lee Baca could still remember why he puts on a uniform every morning, he’d do a lot more than simply dismiss this behavior as misguided. It was pathetic, and so is Baca’s response.

Bruce Hampson



I’m guessing genuine local law enforcement misconduct must be way down if The Times can only expose a productivity contest. I don’t see mention of anything illegal -- no false arrests, no bad tickets, no humbug impounds and no complaints, except from professional complainers. Would you prefer that the troops spend the day doing Sudoku puzzles outside Starbucks? Oh well, it’s a cop’s burden -- damned for doing nothing, and equally damned for putting forth some extra effort.

Terry Schauer

Westlake Village


“Well-meaning.” Is that all Baca can say about “Operation Booking” and “Operation Vehicle Impound”? “Utterly ridiculous” are two words that come to mind. His job is hanging on a string from the Paris Hilton fiasco, and now this. I actually voted for him. Can someone please start a petition to recall Baca? I would be the first one to sign.


Devin Collins

Littlerock, Calif.


Many organizations use such contests to increase productivity. Kudos to the deputies who thought these up. They should be given bonuses and encouraged to create more contests; anything that increases the arrests of scofflaws should be applauded. I’m sure most law-abiding citizens would be happy to see “Operation Arrest Criminal Illegal Aliens” day. Maybe that should be a daily contest.

James B. Davis

Beverly Hills
