
Another view of Ecuador

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Re “Leftists set to redraft Ecuador constitution,” Oct. 1

The article on the elections for the constituent assembly rehashed the same extremist and dishonest rhetoric that has been applied to Rafael Correa since before he was elected Ecuador’s president.

What criteria is the basis for the claim that Ecuador is the most politically unstable country on the continent? Colombia, our neighbor and U.S. ally, is in the throes of a long-running civil war, yet because of its fidelity to U.S. policies, little is heard of what is going on there in the U.S. news.

Also, aligning Correa with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is misleading and an intentional device to discredit Correa. Correa is not simply duplicating the Venezuela model.


Correa has resoundingly won three elections in less than a year in order to follow through with what he promised. This will not be good for the United States or the Ecuadorean elite. But, if carried out, it will benefit the majority of Ecuadoreans who have been exploited and marginalized by political and corporate interests, domestic and foreign, for too long.

Christopher Morck

Quito, Ecuador
