
Purple and Fool’s Gold

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Jerry “Groundhog” Buss finally came out of his hole to let us know how long we will have to wait for spring in Iraq -- I mean Lakerland. We waited all summer to hear Dr. Buss’ assessment of things, only to hear him say that “Mitch Kupchak is doing a terrific job.” One sentence later, he basically said the team is made up of D-League players who are “not tradable.” Either I am missing something or Buss was combining terrible and horrific, because these “non-tradable players” were acquired by Kupchak.

If Dr. Buss thinks Kupchak is doing a terrific job, then I think he sounded more coherent when he just played poker and kept his mouth shut.

Willis Barton

Los Angeles


Has Jerry Buss gone the Al Davis route or is he just blinded by the nepotism bug? Any basketball fan with half a brain knows how to fix the dysfunctional front office and restore the Lakers’ commitment to winning: simply remove the hopelessly overmatched Jimmy Buss from all player personnel decisions and let Mitch do his job without interference.


It is hard to fathom the once proud and proactive owner passively sitting there while his front office is the butt of jokes and media ridicule.

Tom Adams



Kevin Garnett: “I knew I didn’t want to deal with that.”

Leave it to a Celtic to voice what I have been thinking for the last several years. Wake me after the Kobe trade.

John Huber



What Dr. Buss said in regards to Kobe -- “You have to get comparable value when you make a trade” -- where was this philosophy when he traded Shaq?


Steve Shaevel

Woodland Hills
