
Love or hell?

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Re “Church divide over gays has a global audience,” Oct. 14

So-called Christian churches ignore the priorities set by the Bible and Jesus himself when they exclude gays. They would have neither clergy nor members if they required everyone to perfectly conform to the Ten Commandments. They would never exclude any “sinner” if they remembered Jesus’ teaching: the primary commandment is to love.

Churches must heed the inclusive teachings of Jesus: Judge not lest ye be judged, and don’t pick at the dust in another’s eye when you have not yet removed the old-growth forest from your own.

Leslie Willoughby

Mammoth Lakes

The Bible is very clear that homosexuality is an abomination to God, and all who engage in it without repenting (declaring it sinfully wrong and turning away from it) will be sent to hell (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).


Mark Lehman

