
GOP embraces Bush policies

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Re “Both races can feel the president’s reach,” Sept. 3

As noted, the fact that GOP candidates are embracing George W. Bush’s policies really makes no sense because the president’s policies are unpopular. What do you do when something doesn’t make sense? You keep looking, because there is an answer somewhere.

In this case, the answer is this: The front-running Republican candidates are signaling to Big Money that the gravy train will not stop rolling. Whether it’s the military-industrial complex, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big Media or the upper-10th-of-1% folks who benefit from Bush’s tax cuts, any GOP candidate who expects to have the money to run would be very unwise to start talking about “change” right now. That is the code word for more taxes, more regulation and less gravy for the rich and powerful.

It’s not impossible that Mitt Romney, if elected, might turn into a trust-buster and a New Dealer, but he’d be crazy to signal that at this point in time.


Only Newt Gingrich, who isn’t yet a candidate, can afford to say “change” from the sidelines.

Jim Houghton

