
Morning briefing

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Times Staff Writer

Let them complain to his face

Think your neighbors are nosy?

Consider the plight of hockey great Gordie Howe.

Some of his neighbors in suburban Detroit, upset at the number of visitors to the residence, have been automatically photographing his home up to 17,000 times a day in an attempt to prove Howe is running a business out of his home in violation of neighborhood association rules.

A judge issued a temporary restraining order that bans further photographing, videotaping or audio recording of the Howes or their home, the Detroit News reported.

Howe’s attorney told the paper his client is involved in fundraising and charitable organizations and keeps signs, photos, hockey sticks and other memorabilia to promote those activities. Howe also has a website offering information on autographed merchandise and appearances.


The lawsuit also said that Howe’s wife, Colleen, is ill and requires around-the-clock nursing care, leading to numerous visits.

We say those neighbors better watch out for the Gordie Howe hat trick.

Trivia time

What is a Gordie Howe hat trick?

Put that in quotes

From Barry Bonds’ comments over the years, as quoted by

“Doctors ought to quit worrying about what ballplayers are taking. What players take doesn’t matter. It’s nobody else’s business. The doctors should spend their time looking for cures for cancer. It takes more than muscles to hit homers. If all those guys were using stuff, how come they’re not all hitting homers?”

-- May 21, 2002

“I never asked. When he said it was flaxseed oil, I just said, ‘Whatever.’ It was in the ballpark. . . in front of everybody. I mean, all the reporters, my teammates, I mean they all saw it. I didn’t hide it.”


-- Dec. 4, 2003, during grand jury testimony, according to the San Francisco Chronicle

“You’re talking about something that wasn’t even illegal at the time. All this stuff about supplements, protein shakes, whatever. Man, it’s not like this is the Olympics.”

-- March 4, 2005

News from No. 1

Greg Oden, the No. 1 NBA draft pick by the Portland Trail Blazers who is sidelined for the season after knee surgery, posted his first post-surgery video at

“It’s going to be a long rehab time, but when I come back I hope to be better than ever and I’m going to work really hard and I just thank you for still supporting me,” Oden said before giving a mini-tour of his Portland digs.


“You see, I got a bed in my living room. That’s where I sleep. The couch, the other couch, big old TV. All my DVDs is over there somewhere. But this is the bed. Instead of a living room table, I got a bed.”

Close shave

Headline in the Hartford Courant after the New York Mets’ Paul Lo Duca shaved his head and the Mets ended a losing streak: “Lo Duca, Mets finally create some positive buzz.”

Big surprise

A New York Daily News online poll asked which team would win the American League East, the Red Sox or the Yankees?

The results: 78% said the Yankees would win.

No ZIP Code data available for the 22% who chose the Red Sox.

Trivia answer

A goal, an assist and a fight.

And finally

Let’s see, there are still 10 NFL teams without any more wins than ours.

