
Support for MTA chief

Re “Nunez wants MTA chief ousted,” April 11

The article about Roger Snoble, head of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez points to the distribution of Proposition 1B transportation funds. The last item mentioned -- which was, to this voter, the most outrageous -- was a disbursement of $97 million to build a railroad bridge on private railroad property.

This hocus-pocus is reminiscent of the early days of California, when Sacramento and the Southern Pacific Railroad were almost partners. Making matters worse, the governor is endorsing this calamitous plan. It’s almost as nutty as running a toll road through a California state park.

James Behm



As a community activist on transportation issues for more than 10 years, I am disappointed at Nunez’s misguided call for the resignation of MTA chief Snoble. For too many years, micro-management and political grandstanding dominated decision-making at the MTA. Snoble brought order to this chaos and reignited the MTA’s stalled rail construction program. The attempt to scapegoat Snoble for the inability of our region to get its fair share of funding from the Proposition 1B bonds is unfair and is an unneeded distraction.


Snoble built regional consensus and used his best judgment in creating this deal. I find him much more credible than Nunez and see no call for his resignation. I hope the MTA board ignores this attempt to revive the bad old days of meddling and grandstanding.

Dana Gabbard

Los Angeles
