
The candidates continue to battle

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Re “Good night, not goodbye for Clinton,” April 23

Two months ago, there was a good deal of decrying: The Democratic race would be decided by the end of February, unfairly shutting out most Democrats. Now, two months later, there’s still a good deal of decrying: Voters are still weighing the candidates and having their say. The one selected will end up stronger for having to address a significant burden -- race or gender -- that had been previously minimized. He or she will then face a candidate laboring under two distinct burdens: advanced age and George W. Bush.

Scott Dickerson

Los Alamitos


Hillary Rodham Clinton’s voters are the high school educated, union workers, elderly and women, and she benefits from the Democrats’ party machine. Barack Obama’s voters are the young or the new to the party, college educated, more affluent and minorities, and he benefits from grass-roots appeal. One raises money through wealthy individual donors, the other through large numbers of small donors. There is an old and a new angle to this, similar to an old and new America, and the new America lies ahead ready to be defined by a new champion.

The outcome will promote a candidate in the general election who represents either a new era or a return to the self-comforting, self-congratulating path.


Mark Papas

Los Angeles


People complain that Clinton will do anything it takes to win, as if that’s a negative trait. She’s exactly the candidate Democrats need to go up against the Republicans, who keep the middle and lower classes getting the short end of the stick. We’re not electing a PTA president. We finally have the chance for a tough, savvy leader. Let’s not blow it.

Melanie Rothschild



Now Clinton wins Pennsylvania. So now we are going to see an even worse fight between her and Obama. As an independent voter, I am becoming so sick of this overextended bloodletting that I will either not vote this November or vote for John McCain. Leave it to the Democrats to destroy themselves.

Dan Morin

West Hollywood


Quick! Stop her! Force her out before she wins again!

Larry Margo

Valley Village
