
Carmen strikes out but Charlie connects

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BIRDS OF PARADISE a novel collaboration

Where we left off: Having trouble following the plot? Can’t imagine why. Genie, Hauser and the Falcos were still in Beverly Hills when last we heard. Bonner, Palmieri, Carmen and our own Steve Lopez had just met up at Dodger Stadium. Still unaccounted for are Hans and Judge Greene, both of whom were packing heat when we left them. And we can only guess what the feds are up to . . .


As he ushered his growing party away from the bar and toward a quieter table across the room, Palmieri eyed the newcomer.

“Who’s your pal, Carmen?”

“Meet my insurance policy -- Steve Lopez, reporter from the L.A. Times.” Carmen looked triumphant; Steve felt uncomfortable but tried not to show it. “I figured I needed one after you sent the Terminator after me.”


Palmieri looked like he was ready to explode. “This is private business, Lopez. I suggest you go take your drink to the bar.”

Steve had been in the business long enough to deflect brushoffs. “I hear you’re looking for a flash drive.” He reached into his pocket and pulled one out.

Bonner’s mouth fell open. He knew this was a bluff, but there was no way he could risk admitting anything in front of a reporter.


Palmieri feigned surprised. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The DEA agents listening in were starting to panic. So close, and now this reporter was going to spook their best lead in years. Ernesto grabbed a microphone. “Get Lopez outta there now!”

Two agents got up from the Stadium Club bar and strode over to the Palmieri table. “Steve Lopez -- it’s been years!” The first agent slapped Steve on the back while the other stood directly in front of the columnist, parting his jacket just enough to reveal his badge. “Never miss a column. You’re the best!”

“Can we buy you a drink?” The second agent shot a glance at the table. “We promise we won’t keep you from your friends too long. We just want to give you a lead on a story.”


Steve glanced at Carmen and tried to give her a reassuring look. “I’ll just be a few minutes.” He stood up and the agents escorted him to the bar.

Once they were out of earshot, Bonner spoke. “Look, I don’t know what game you’re playing, lady, but I’ve got the flash drive with the data on it.” He showed it to Palmieri, then put it back in his pocket. “Let’s finish this deal, and we’re done. You can finish her any which way you like.”

Carmen decided to go for broke. “Anything happens to me or Tony, and you end up on the front cover of the L.A. Times.”

“I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” Judge Larry Greene sat down at the table and let them all see his gun. “Let’s keep this out of the papers, shall we?” He looked at Bonner. “I’ll take that flash drive.”

Bonner knew he had to make Palmieri talk or he was a dead man. With the coolest, most level voice he could muster, he said, “We both know you’re not going to use that gun in here, and you aren’t going to call this one in. So, you can pay me twice what Palmieri offered me and that flash drive is yours.”

“How much?” the judge asked.

“He offered me 50 grand, so you come up with 100K and it’s yours.”

Palmieri jumped in. “I just upped my offer to 125 thou.”

Ernesto grinned and grabbed the mike.

Stacy Weinstein is “Birds of Paradise’s” resident “rocket scientist.” After being mentioned in a Lopez column, she writes, “I heard from someone I went to college with 20 years ago -- I didn’t even know she lived in L.A.”
