
Foothill South is the wrong way

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Re “Toll road’s toll,” editorial, April 19

The fact that the Transportation Corridor Agencies has requested that its appeal on the Foothill South tollway be heard by the Department of Commerce behind closed doors is another fine example of its effort to control and push its way despite public opposition. Please don’t allow the TCA to get its way this time. Please keep the entire process democratic. Please allow discussion of other options. Let the people be involved. After all, it does involve public property -- the San Onofre State Beach.

Mary Anne Penton



The grass-roots activists opposing a toll road through a state park worked hard on behalf of all Californians, as we can all benefit by visiting the area someday.

Thank you for expressing the value of letting the people make a decision about the future of this land, because once natural open space is destroyed, it can not be replaced. Your alternative solution -- adding toll lanes to Interstate 5 -- and why it is not supported by the TCA sounds quite realistic.


It is important that The Times expresses a different view than the governor’s. Keep it up.

Margot Eiser

