
Taking on the terrorists

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Re “Goodbye to the ‘war on terror,’ ” Opinion, Dec. 4

I never thought I’d ever be in agreement with Rosa Brooks, but I have to agree with her that we are not in a “war on terror”; terrorism is just a tactic.

However, what she fails to say is that we are in a war against Islamofascists and other believers of totalitarianism who seek to take the “free” out of the free world.

P.J. Gendell

Beverly Hills


Brooks is right to allude to the stark fact that terrorism is interwoven in our societies, and to call on President-elect Barack Obama to help resolve intractable conflicts. The haunting images of dead and wounded in Mumbai should not diminish our resolve to counterbalance terrorists’ tactics. Kashmir has been a festering wound on the Indian subcontinent for decades. Likewise, the Arab-Israeli conflict has been smoldering since 1948. Countless lives have been lost because of our failure to persuade Arabs and Israelis to live harmoniously.


Obama has a chance to enter history not just as the first African American president but as a leader who can act decisively to bring peace to the world.

Munjed Farid Al Qutob

