
This information -- priceless

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Re “Fed cuts its rate to zero -- and it’s not done yet,” Dec. 17

Wow, I can’t wait to get my new credit card with a close-to-zero interest rate just like the rate that banks use when lending to one another.

What’s that? Those rates are only for the bankers, lenders and speculators who got us into this mess?

Hmmm. Maybe I won’t get a credit card after all, so I can learn to not spend what I don’t have.


Victoria Minetta

Los Angeles


The Federal Reserve says it will “employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth.”

Let us hope the Fed doesn’t seek to resume the sort of “sustainable” growth fueled by overconsumption perpetuated by reckless lending stoked by wanton greed enabled by lax oversight inculcated by the withering of business ethics -- breathe -- that got us here in the first place. I hope one of the Fed’s tools is common sense.

Christopher Esse

Los Angeles
