
The campaign and its coverage

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Re “McCain energy record is on/off,” July 1

This year’s political campaign seems to be turning a major newspaper into an Agitprop organ. Recent front-page stories in The Times offer prime examples. If the Democratic candidate reverses himself over a period of days, he is “moving to the center.” If the Republican candidate changes his position over a period of years, he is “flip-flopping.”

What kind of journalism is this? From another perspective, Obama comes across as glib and ignorant, spouting whatever today’s speechwriter gives him. And McCain comes across as reasonable, responding to changing conditions by altering his view. That perspective gets no space in The Times.

Endorse whichever candidate you select -- in your editorials. But stop slanting every political story to favor your choice, or you lose all integrity.


Barry Cohon

Los Angeles

I am sick and tired of campaign promises. I want a president who has the maturity to look at the factors involved in any situation and make the proper decision.

If you tell me, “I am going to dive into that swimming pool,” but you later find it has no water and choose not to jump, do I call you a liar -- or do I think you are smart for making a proper decision for the circumstances?

Same thing for campaign promises. Just convince me that you are an intelligent person who will make the right decisions at the right time.


Jim Humberd

