
Actions on bill

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Re “Assembly measure is tailored for firm,” June 9

The Times draws the wrong inference from my actions on AB 212. I was not trying to delay a vote on AB 212, a bill that would take away local land-use decision-making power and that could have a profound impact on city planning.

I was against AB 212 from the moment I heard about it, and I voted to oppose it. My request for a report back to the council was not about delaying the vote or helping a contributor, as The Times implies. Indeed, my request did the opposite. The substance of AB 212 was introduced 10 months before council member Wendy Greuel introduced her resolution, and my efforts were to determine why it took so long for us to learn about a bill that is so obviously against the best interest of the city.

The council needs to know when legislation that affects Los Angeles is introduced so we can consider the bill, ask questions and take an informed stance -- not be blindsided.


Richard Alarcon

Council Member, District 7

Los Angeles
