
Half the story?

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Re “Obama’s other running mate,” June 11

Although it may be true that Michelle Obama’s history and comments are fair game, I find it curious that The Times was able to discuss other political spouses, such as Judith Giuliani, Teresa Heinz Kerry and Hillary Rodham Clinton, without ever mentioning Cindy Hensley McCain.

Imagine if Barack Obama’s “other running mate” had a history of addiction to prescription painkillers and resorted to stealing drugs from her own nonprofit organization. And also imagine if the U.S. attorney’s office arranged to limit his other running mate’s punishment without any public disclosure.

I’ll be looking forward to your next front page article on McCain’s “other running mate.”

Fred Gober

Playa Vista

Although I realize The Times feels an obligation to devote an entire article to Michelle Obama (I’m assuming there will be an equal critique of Cindy McCain sometime soon), I find it interesting that nowhere in the article was a perspective of her and her comments by an African American.


As for her comment about for the first time being “really proud of my country,” I can tell you as a white, 63-year-old Vietnam War-era veteran, for one of the few times in my adult life, I am proud of my country.

Matt Giorgi

