
How the Irish saved the EU

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Re “Don’t blame Ireland,” Opinion, June 25

James M. Banner Jr. appears to have overlooked the fact that Ireland is already a full member of the European Union and that this is an attempt by some member states to force the remainder to see things their way.

The Irish have firsthand experience with belonging to a larger entity, the British empire, and we all know how well that worked out. The Irish showed foresight in requiring a referendum for issues such as the Lisbon Treaty. Their action has emboldened the citizens of other EU states.

The EU, despite -- or maybe because of -- its top-heavy bureaucracy, has a good record of protecting its citizens. Europeans know that consolidation of power and dilution of representation make it easier for special interests to dominate. They should be grateful to the Irish for creating breathing space in the process.


Tony O’Doherty

Bermuda Dunes
