
Get a grip on gangs

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Re “Officials vow to fight L.A. gangs,” March 16

Why is it impossible to pass a law stating that anyone within Los Angeles County who is found to be a gang member will be arrested? It should be that simple.

If I speed, run a red light or kill someone, a ticket is issued or an arrest is made. Being a gang member should be as illegal as the aforementioned.

Angelenos deserve no less than a permanent stop to this terrorism.

David Burks

Manhattan Beach

Re “Cardenas seeks city task force for anti-gang services,” March 15

The battle between Los Angeles Councilman Tony Cardenas and City Controller Laura Chick over who should oversee the gang violence task force is just another indication of how we foolishly believe our political leaders can resolve certain problems.


I’ll give Chick credit for her comment that we’ve “studied and reported and task-forced the issue of gang violence into the ground.

Having investigated gang crimes for an Orange County law enforcement agency, I can say that the problem will not be solved by another task force. It’s a parenting issue. It’s a family-values issue.

Every gang expert I’ve heard says the gang becomes the surrogate family.

Maybe society should ask itself why we glorify the “gangsta” lifestyle while bemoaning the increase in gang violence?


Robert Worthen

Las Flores
