
Building a new administration

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Re “Obama begins to form a team,” Nov. 6

In his first significant staff appointment, President-elect Barack Obama chose as his chief of staff Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) -- a man who is known for “legendary” profanity, for screaming until he gets what he wants, for sending a dead fish to a political foe Godfather-style and for otherwise engaging in abusive and infantile behavior.

Are we to consider this positive “change” in Washington? What a disappointment.

Sandra J. Harris



As a lifetime liberal Democrat, the array of faces portraying possible Obama Cabinet appointments heightened the sadness I felt when Hillary Rodham Clinton failed in her bid for the presidency. My support for Obama was steadfast, but as one who had hoped that I would live to see a female president, my disappointment has been profound.

The faces of these potential nominees reflect an earlier, male-dominated government, which is seriously at odds with the message of inclusion that I heard in Obama’s election-night speech. Women constitute well over 50% of the population but only 10% of The Times’ list of possible Cabinet-level nominees. Of the 20 proposed nominees, only two are women.


While we can all rejoice in the election of an African American as president, our fight for real equality in this country is far from over. The late Myra Sadker probably said it best when she noted that sexism is the only socially acceptable form of discrimination.

Constance Darrah




Re “Democratic groups ready their agendas,” Nov. 6

Are our (and the world’s) expectations for Obama unrealistically, even foolishly, over the top?

My hopes for Obama’s presidency are admittedly huge and correspond to the reason I voted for him, which was that throughout the campaign he showed himself unerringly to be a demonstrably intelligent, articulate, prudent, fair-minded and steady person surrounded not by flatterers but by competent, like-minded campaign aides.


Yes, the McCain people were absolutely right: This election was about character, and Obama displayed his enormously well. I may well disagree with some decisions he will make over the next four years, but I have absolute confidence in the intelligence, patience and fairness he will bring to the process of making them.

Robert Eril Levine

