
Palin’s candidacy

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Re “Palin returns home to a chillier Alaska,” Nov. 7, and “She shops here? You betcha,” Nov. 7

Regarding Sarah Palin’s approval ratings having “tumbled” from 80% to 65%, I wonder how many other governors have an approval rating that high? And since the campaign is over, isn’t it about time to end your “destroy Sarah Palin” campaign -- time to end the divisiveness you progressives so abhor?

How about more articles about the person who will become vice president -- you know, the guy who thinks “jobs” is a three-letter word, thinks President Franklin Roosevelt came on TV in 1929, and guarantees an international crisis to test Barack Obama? Maybe you should ask him what he was talking about. But no, you have more important news to pursue: “She shops here? You betcha!”


Nick Klaus



Re “Palin, McCain camps at odds,” Nov. 6

Let’s not forget that Palin, who remarked, “Politics is rough and tumble, and people need to get thick skin, just like I’ve got,” is the same person who whined about Katie Couric’s tough questions. One can only hope that if she decides to return to the national scene, she invests in a current atlas and gets a newspaper subscription. Caller ID might not be a bad idea either.

Carol Tensen



Palin doesn’t know which three countries are members of NAFTA? Can’t she see two of them out her window?

Eric Forster

Los Angeles
