
Didn’t vote? Don’t complain

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Re “Regrets of a nonvoter,” Opinion, Nov. 11

Despite Norah Vincent’s self-serving excuses, there is never a good reason not to vote. To read this article on Veterans Day, when we honor the millions of citizens who gave their lives to preserve our right of self-determination through the ballot, is especially offensive.

I voted for Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as Vincent now wishes she had. President-elect Obama was successful without engaging in personal attacks against his opponents, as Vincent does. It does not reflect positively on the author or her message.

Jay Lipsky

Los Angeles


Perhaps Vincent should consider relocating to Somalia. There, as a libertarian, she wouldn’t have to be penalized by paying taxes or be troubled about not having exercised her duty as a citizen to vote.


She also would be the beneficiary of the government that she would deserve.

Alfred M. Sils

Woodland Hills


Pity poor Vincent and her stupefying inability to discern a single issue important enough to tilt a vote for president. Thank you, Norah, for allowing me the privilege of making your choice for you.

Linda Brown

Laguna Beach
