
Voters doing lawmakers’ work

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Re “Endorsements 2008,” editorial, Oct. 11

Thank you for your editorial endorsements for the Nov. 4 ballot propositions.

The propositions on the ballot are described in a 144-page Official Voter Information Guide and a 16-page supplement. Is the typical voter really expected to read and comprehend all of this legalese?

These propositions should have been debated and decided on by the Legislature with the benefit of input from technical and legal experts. Passing the buck to voters demonstrates irresponsibility by the Legislature and is an imposition on citizens. It amounts to legislating by proposition. We need to correct the system.

Also in need of correction is how Superior Court judges are chosen. Most voters have no idea who these candidates are. The governor should appoint the candidates and the state Senate should approve them.


Reno S. Zack

San Dimas
