
Recruiting in high schools

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Re “ ‘No Child’s’ call to arms,” editorial, Oct. 24

I commend The Times on its editorial highlighting the provision in the No Child Left Behind Act that gives military recruiters access to the personal information of high school students.

To address this very important issue, I introduced the Student Privacy Protection Act (HR 1346), which would make the simple change to the law The Times recommends. The bill has been endorsed by the National Parent Teacher Assn., the National Education Assn. and has 65 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives.

Unfortunately, lack of awareness has kept this bill from moving forward. I will reintroduce it next year, and I hope that with a new administration and Congress, we can quickly act to restore the privacy rights of students and their families. I commend The Times for bringing attention to the issue.


Rep. Michael M. Honda

(D- San Jose)

Campbell, Calif.


No child is forced to join the armed forces of the United States. All recruits are volunteers. And parental consent is required for any enlistment contract with a recruit who is not yet an adult.

Under Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the power and responsibility to “raise and support armies” and “to maintain a navy.” Recruiting is an essential task for the common defense. When states and local school districts demand federal funding for kindergarten through 12th-grade education, they must accept federal controls. Any state or school district that does not want to cooperate with military recruiters, as required by Congress, can opt out of receiving federal funds for education.

Col. Alfred M. Diaz

U.S. Army (retired)

San Dimas
