
Bailouts and suspensions

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Re “McCain seeks to delay debate,” Sept. 25

To the strains of Rossini’s “William Tell” overture, Sen. John McCain, on his imaginary white steed, galloped into Washington to rescue the American economy from total disaster.

What arrogance. Never mind that Bush administration officials and lawmakers of both parties have been working for more than a week on how best to act on the economic crisis. With his hero complex in full flower, McCain will save the day.

McCain’s decision to suspend his -- some might say, faltering -- political campaign is his choice to make. However, his call to postpone tonight’s debate unless the issue has been resolved is not his choice to make.


If McCain wants to live up to his repeated claim of putting his country before his campaign, he will be at the debate, and we will have the opportunity to hear from both candidates and arrive at our own conclusions.

Rachel Galperin


When I was in the Marine Corps, I was taught to complete my mission. Now we have a man who wants to be president suspending his campaign to return to Washington to solve the economic crisis.

The problem is, he has publicly stated he knows little about economics, he is not on the committees writing the legislation, and his mission is a single vote among 100 senators.


With all due respect, if McCain can’t multitask and stick to his mission of running for office, I don’t want him as my commander in chief!

Richard Follett

Van Nuys

Re “Beyond the bailout,” editorial, Sept. 25

The Times wants me to get beyond the bailout and on to the debates.

Well, that’s just great. I’ve already lost 33% of my net worth to this financial disaster -- and I’m lucky; others have lost everything.

Yet Barack Obama doesn’t think that’s enough of a crisis to focus his great “leadership” skills on defining a solution. It’s more important for him to keep talking rather than doing. That way he won’t have to take most of the blame if the bailout doesn’t work perfectly.


Keith Selbrede


Re “Bush warns economy in danger; candidates will join bailout talks,” Sept. 25

By telling us that “America could slip into a financial panic,” President Bush turns on its ear the famous Franklin Roosevelt quote, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Not surprising, as this president has already tried to undo everything else that leader accomplished on the public’s behalf.

Jon Williams


I feel so much better since I heard Bush say that our country is in terrible condition. He has been wrong about everything.

Morrie Markoff

Silver Lake

Re “Congress balks at bailout plan,” Sept. 24

This may sound cruel and selfish, but I hope Congress doesn’t bail us out of this mess. I hope we stew.

I’d like to see what would happen. I’d like to be reduced to a diet of TV dinners, watermelon and hose water. I’d like to drive the same car, wear the same clothes, live in the same house and sit on the same furniture (while watching the same television set) for the next 15 years.

It would be a bit of a relief, actually.

I can say this with complete honesty because I’ve lived this way before, and to tell you the truth, it wasn’t all that bad. It was a slower and simpler life with fewer modern conveniences, but we were closer and happier too.


So, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson and the rest of those prophets of doom can’t scare me with their ominous visions of a dark future. As R.E.M. once sang, “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”

Arthur Saginian


Re “Mayor criticizes bailout,” Sept. 24

Why do our do-nothing, photo-op obsessed mayor and increasingly ineffective City Council feel the need to waste valuable time that could be used to actually govern the city of Los Angeles with a ridiculous resolution to condemn the proposed national bailout plan?

That’s what Congress is supposed to be doing. Frankly, this sounds like a desperate bid by Antonio Villaraigosa (alongside his recent proclamations about ending poverty) to secure whatever his next job will be in government.

Brett Hampton

