
Maher’s take on the GOP

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Re “For Republicans, breaking up is hard to do,” Opinion, April 24

Bill Maher makes the same mistakes as other pundits when he writes that he doesn’t know what the “tea party” protests were all about and then goes on to imply that it is all about President Obama’s race.

I went to the protest in Yorba Linda because I am concerned about the inevitable inflation that will result from spending trillions of dollars we do not have to spend. I am retired, after planning carefully to not need public assistance, and cannot afford a hidden tax increase disguised as inflation. The president and other advocates of irresponsible spending have picked up where the people who used their houses as ATM machines left off. Expect the same results.

Rod Hallock

Chino Hills


Come on, Bill. You know the “tea parties” were about too-high taxes and too-high government spending. So instead of defending these policies, you chose to write a name-calling rant.


This should be beneath someone who has his own political commentary show. We are laughing at you, not with you.

Paul Debban

Solana Beach


Bill Maher, you are so right. What is bothering Republicans is the plain fact that they lost the last two elections and haven’t a clue what to do to clean up their sorry act.

Instead of acting like grown-ups and working together with the new guy, they can do nothing but pout and rant and call Obama silly names. The only “leaders” they have are a bunch of right-wing extremist radio and TV blowhards who don’t care about the welfare of this nation and do nothing but incite hatred and prejudice.


Hey, GOP, I’ve got a flash for you: You were beaten fair and square by Obama, an intelligent, hardworking guy who will get this nation back on its feet, even if you won’t lift a hand to help him do it. If you want to get back into power, the smart move would be to work with him so you get some of the credit.

If you want to become completely irrelevant, keep doing what you’re doing. The only ones who will pay attention are your base, a group that is shrinking every day.

Linda Winters

Culver City
