
Dripping resentment

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Re “Please step away from the hose, sir,” Aug. 16

Enforcement of the ill-conceived water restrictions in Los Angeles is another symptom of government running amok. Why are all property owners limited to the same days for watering each week? How does this scheme affect water pressure needed to fight a potential fire occurring during the watering hours? How can gardeners manage to mow a week’s worth of dry lawns when everybody is watering at the same time?

Our own lawn has gone from offending lush and green to almost dead and brown. My motivation to cut back water use was spurred by high water bills and social conscience. The DWP would do better to rely on its PR muscle and tiered pricing than supporting a dozen water cops driving around the city. And the idea of turning neighbors against one another by encouraging water vigilantes is loathsome.

Renee Dernburg

Los Angeles

As new homeowners-to-be, my wife and I fully intend to cooperate with all the water regulations and fully expect the laws to be enforced with tickets, not just friendly reminders. Everybody knows there is a water problem here, has been a water problem and will be a water problem.


So, we are going to continue to let almost all of the remaining grass die and replace it with mulch, native plants, shrubs, trees, rocks and tiles. My friend in Las Vegas has no grass but still has a very appealing yard.

More needs to be done to educate and facilitate the use of gray water from homes to water yards.

We also need to consider where most water is used: industry and agriculture. Household consumers waste water like, well, water, but industry and agriculture are where the big savings are. Not to mention government, which is bringing up the rear instead of leading the pack when it comes to setting an example. Anyone who sees government property being watered at inappropriate times in excessive amounts gets the wrong message -- that the drought is not really a serious problem.


Brian Sheppard



So much for rationing water. As a member of an 80-unit town-home complex in Tujunga, I agonize over our once-beautiful lawns and landscaping since the water rationing went into effect.

I went to the Hansen Dam Golf Course to remember what green grass looks like. Lo and behold, much of the course had muddy fairways and mushy greens. What a waste. It was like playing a course after a heavy rain.

I know that the city has eased the watering restrictions on parks, golf courses and large land parcels. So why can’t our town-home complex be considered a land parcel? We have 160 people coming and going every day, wanting to enjoy their landscaping and the numerous trees.


Our complex was always very conservative on the irrigation watering system -- turning it off in the rain, reducing the watering times in the winter.

Now, taking out that one day of watering is devastating, especially when you notice so many violations of watering occurring elsewhere.

William Caruso



Recently, my family visited Olvera Street. About 1:30 or 2 in the afternoon, I noticed the city workers watering the roses and garden by the public restroom.

Do the watering restrictions only apply to the residents and not to the city workers?

Henry Miller

Canyon Country


What a ridiculous article The Times published, a day after many of us received our DWP bill.

The DWP could have saved a lot of money -- forgoing the printed material (and turn-in-your-neighbor door signs) included in our Times several weeks ago and doing away with “water cops” -- had it just included a notice in the last bill letting us know it was about to steal from us because of mishandling our money.

We are a household of only two, have followed every new rule to the letter and were successful in lowering our usage -- yet have a bill nearly 40% more than last year.


So this month, we take money from our savings to make up the difference between what our bill should be and what it is.

And next month? Shame on the DWP.

Elizabeth Morgan

North Hollywood


Just wondering how many times Kevin Cato, DWP water conservation officer, has patrolled DWP general manager H. David Nahai’s home? I’m sure the residents of Los Angeles would welcome an updated report on not only his water usage but of all the City Council members and our beloved mayor.

Richard Whorton

Valley Village
