
Hearing the voice of a victim

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Re “Afraid that he could return,” Column One, Aug. 17

Dear Mrs. Mathews,

Thank you for having the courage to speak out for yourself and all the other women who have suffered the trauma of rape and the humiliation and mistreatment by our legal system.

I think, and hope, that in the years since your experience the “system” has improved , but I realize many offenders go unpunished. I believe your fears are realistic, and I hope the parole board will listen to your pleas to keep your attacker behind bars. You are an inspiring voice for those who cannot speak, and I applaud you for daring to do so.

Phyllis Taylor



Thank you for your excellent article. I hope Arline Mathews’ voice was heard and those in the prison and parole system will listen.


You did a great job of portraying her pain and fear. It is my hope that more victim’s statements like hers will be respected. Her attacker is a very viable threat, and I think he is going to come out angry and more volatile. I pray for her safety.

Wanda Cavalier

Mission Viejo
