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*--* Rk. Rec. Result Next Team 1. 18-2 Did not play Virginia, today DUKE 2. 20-1 d. Providence, 94-61 at No. 7 Louisville, Monday CONN ECTI CUT Hash eem Thab eet’ s trip le-d oubl e (15 poin ts, 11 rebo unds , 10 bloc ks) lead s way. 3. 19-2 d. Notre Dame, 93-80 Robert Morris, Monday PITT SBUR GH DeJu an Blai r gets 23 poin ts, 22 rebo unds as Pant hers rall y from half time defi cit. 4. 21-1 d. Iowa State, 78-68 Texas A&M, Wednesday OKLA HOMA Will ie Warr en scor es 29 poin ts and Soon ers clos e out the game with a 13-2 run. 5. 19-2 d. N.C. St., 93-76 Maryland, Tuesday NORT H CARO LINA Tyle r Hans brou gh’s 31 poin ts spar k the Tar Heel s’ fift h cons ecut ive vict ory. 6. 17-2 l. to Ga. Tech, 76-74 at Miami, Wednesday WAKE FORE ST Demo n Deac ons lose to ACC’ s last -pla ce team thre e days afte r beat ing Duke . 7. 17-3 d. West Virginia, 69-63 No. 2 Connecticut, Monday LOUI SVIL LE Card inal s have seas on-h igh 26 turn over s and near ly blow 20-p oint lead but win. 8. 19-2 d. Georgetown, 94-82 at DePaul, Tuesday MARQ UETT E Jere l McNe al does it all (26 poin ts, 11 assi sts, 6 rebo unds , 5 stea ls, 3 bloc ks). 9. 17-3 Did not play Penn State, today MICH IGAN STAT E 10. 19-2 d. Mass., 82-80 Temple, Thursday XAVI ER Thre e Musk etee rs (Der rick Brow n, B.J. Raym ond, C.J. Ande rson ) comb ine for 64. 11. 15-5 l. to Kan. St., 85-81 (OT) Missouri, Wednesday TEXA S Deni s Clem ente scor es 44 on Long horn s, who had 19-g ame home win stre ak. 12. 18-2 Did not play No. 1 Duke, Wednesday CLEM SON 13. 19-1 Did not play at Wis.-Green Bay, Monday BUTL ER 14. 16-5 l. to Wash., 84-71 at Oregon, Thursday ARIZ ONA STAT E Jeff Pend ergr aph (21 poin ts, 14 rebo unds ) gets sixt h doub le-d oubl e of seas on. 15. 17-5 Did not play West Virginia, Wednesday SYRA CUSE 16. 16-4 d. Michigan, 67-49 at Ohio State, Tuesday PURD UE Afte r Chri s Kram er suff ers a bloo dy nose , Boil erma kers go on a 40-2 0 run. 17. 17-4 d. Stanford, 97-63 USC, Wednesday UCLA The Brui ns shoo t 63% and hand the Card inal its wors t loss at Paul ey sinc e 1978 . 18. 18-3 d. Houston, 83-68 Southern Methodist, Wednesday MEMP HIS The Tige rs hold the Coug ars to 38% shoo ting from the fiel d and win 12th in a row. 19. 17-4 Did not play Iowa, today ILLI NOIS 20. 16-4 d. San Diego, 64-47 at Portland, Thursday GONZ AGA Bull dogs matc h thei r seas on low for poin ts but stil l win thei r eigh th game in a row. 21. 16-4 Did not play Cincinnati, today VILL ANOV A 22. 18-3 l. to Portland, 84-66 San Francisco, Thursday ST. MARY ‘S With out inju red lead ing scor er Patr ick Mill s, Gael s see Pilo ts shoo t 59% in loss . 23. 16-5 d. Arizona St., 84-71 at California, Thursday WASH INGT ON Just in Dent mon scor es care er-h igh 30 poin ts and Husk ies make free thro ws late . 24. 16-6 l. to So. Carolina, 78-77 Mississippi State, Tuesday KENT UCKY The Wild cats shoo t 52% from fiel d but lose when Deva n Down ey make s late shot . 25. 12-8 l. to Marquette, 94-82 Rutgers, Tuesday GEOR GETO WN DaJu an Summ ers scor es 22 poin ts, but the Hoya s lose thei r fift h game in a row. *--*
