
A trip down memory lane in 20 questions

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1. In February, what entertainment labor union ended its 100-day strike?

A. Screen Actors Guild

B. Writers Guild of America

C. Directors Guild of America

D. International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees


2. Which of these did NOT hit a record in 2008?

A. Price of oil

B. Home foreclosures

C. U.S. unemployment rate

D. Credit card debt


3. When its last competitor dropped out early in the year, Blu-ray emerged as the winner in the competition for a new high-definition DVD format. Blu-ray was backed primarily by what company?

A. Panasonic

B. Toshiba

C. Mitsubishi

D. Sony


4. Match the acquiring company with the company it announced it would buy in 2008:


A. JPMorgan Chase

B. Wells Fargo

C. Bank of America

D. Verizon

E. InBev


a. Alltel

b. Countrywide Financial

c. Washington Mutual

d. Anheuser-Busch

e. Wachovia


5. Henry Samueli and Henry T. Nicholas III were charged in 2008 in an alleged scheme to manipulate stock options for employees of their Irvine microchip manufacturing company. (Samueli pleaded guilty to lying to investigators; Nicholas’ case is pending.) What is the name of their company?

A. Worldcom

B. Broadcom

C. Viacom

D. Dotcom


6. In February, Microsoft launched an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to acquire what high-technology company?


A. Google

B. Cisco Systems

C. Apple

D. Yahoo


7. The Fed agreed in March to assume the management of nearly $30 billion in troubled assets from Bear Stearns Cos. so the failing brokerage could be purchased by what company?

A. Goldman Sachs

B. JPMorgan Chase

C. Merrill Lynch

D. Lehman Bros.


8. In March, a judge ordered which company to pay more than $100 million to employees to cover tips that had been unlawfully given to supervisors?

A. Starbucks

B. Olive Garden

C. Red Lobster

D. Macaroni Grill


9. A salmonella outbreak that sickened more than 1,300 people beginning in April was first blamed on tomatoes, but investigators later linked it to what?


A. carrots

B. lettuce

C. jalapeno peppers

D. cabbage


10. Which airline canceled more than 3,300 flights in April because of missed aircraft inspections?

A. United

B. Southwest

C. Delta

D. American


11. Which 2008 movie hauled in the most at the U.S. box office?

A. “The Dark Knight”

B. “Iron Man”

C. “Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”

D. “Hancock”


12. In the biggest bank failure in U.S. history, which company was seized by federal regulators, then sold, in September?

A. IndyMac

B. Washington Mutual

C. Wachovia

D. Security Pacific Bank


13. The 99 Cents Only Stores chain announced that it would be raising its highest price to what?


A. 99.99 cents

B. $1.09

C. $1.39

D. $1.99


14. Which of the following did NOT receive a rescue package from the U.S. government in 2008?

A. American International Group

B. Lehman Bros.

C. Citigroup

D. Fannie Mae


15. When chief executives of the three U.S. automakers came to Washington to seek aid in November, they were ridiculed by Congress members for:

A. Flying to Washington in private planes

B. Parking in a handicapped zone

C. Smoking in the conference room

D. Twittering during the hearing


16. What national media company, owner of the Los Angeles Times and KTLA-TV Channel 5, filed for bankruptcy in December?

A. Times Mirror

B. Tribune

C. Knight Ridder

D. Gannett


17. Who has President-Elect Barack Obama nominated as secretary of the Treasury?

A. Henry A. Paulson

B. Bill Richardson

C. Lawrence H. Summers

D. Timothy F. Geithner


18. NBC announced that it would turn over its weekday 10 p.m. slot next year to:

A. Conan O’Brian

B. David Letterman

C. Jay Leno

D. Jack Paar


19. After a complaint filed by Barbie-maker Mattel, a judge ordered MGA Entertainment of Van Nuys to stop making what popular dolls?

A. GI Joe

B. Dora the Explorer

C. Bratz

D. Littlest Pet Shop


20. Which legendary Wall Street figure was arrested in December on charges of running a Ponzi scheme that cost investors $50 billion?

A. Marty Berdoff

B. Bernard Madoff

C. Bernie Ebbers

D. Barry Manilow

Answers: 1. B; 2. C; 3. D; 4. A-c, B-e, C-b, D-a, E-d; 5. B; 6. D; 7. B; 8. A; 9. C; 10. D; 11. A; 12. B; 13. A; 14. B; 15. A; 16. B; 17. D; 18. C; 19. C; 20. B



16-20 correct: Hello, smartypants!

11-15: Doing better than Wall Street

6-10: Time to ask for a bailout

0-5: Bankrupt

