
‘Disheartening reality’

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Re “Aim for a better cease-fire,” editorial, Dec. 30

The concept of a “disproportionate” response is a peculiar one. How do we gauge that? Does a proportionate response require a declaration of war? Does it require exact numbers in retaliation? Because Japan didn’t declare war on us when it attacked Pearl Harbor, should we have only destroyed the same number of ships and planes and killed the same number of Japanese troops?

When a country is attacked, and attacked repeatedly, it has the duty and the obligation to protect its citizens. And the only way to protect its citizens is to put a complete end to the threat.

Incidentally, why does the subject of “disproportionate” response only come up with regard to Israel?


Emanuel R. Baker

Los Angeles


It’s amazing to me that we keep hearing of Israel’s right to defend itself when it has total control of Gaza, exercises absolute might, has stripped all dignity from the people, destroys homes and prevents free movement throughout the territory.

The Times is misjudging the situation if it believes that the Bush administration is only “placing blame where it belongs.” Is there anything Israel can’t do? And is there anything that the civilized world will do to stop this madness? Will we allow the obliteration of the Palestinians if they refuse to say that Israel has a right to exist?

Nothing the Palestinians do should surprise us in light of these conditions.

Ralph Mitchell

Monterey Park


You failed to mention in your editorial that Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip when the cease-fire was in effect. Repeated attempts to persuade Israel to lift the blockade have failed. Only limited amounts of food were allowed into the Gaza Strip.


It is for this reason that the cease-fire did not hold. In order to ensure a more reliable cease-fire, Gaza’s borders have to be opened and the Palestinians should have the right to free movement and to live a decent life.

John Youssef

Woodland Hills


You state that since the collapse of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, residents of southern Israel have been terrorized by cross-border rocket attacks. But Hamas and other terror organizations operating out of Gaza have been firing rockets at Israel regularly since 2001. Though the so-called cease-fire saw a reduction in rocket fire, it is important to note that during that six-month period, more than 300 Hamas-fired projectiles still landed in Israel.

So, while you state that Israel should consider another cease-fire a victory, I would argue from recent events that Hamas can’t be trusted to keep its end of the bargain.


Josh Hasten



Re “Arabs across Mideast protest airstrikes,” Dec. 28

The article provides insight into the disheartening reality of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Protests across the Arab world speak to sentiments of mistrust between Israel and its neighbors -- as well as the deepening chasm between many of the region’s rulers and their publics.

The violence between Hamas and the Israeli government underscores the hard choices that the incoming U.S. administration will face in its attempts to foster a climate that can bring about a comprehensive and evenhanded peace between Israelis and Palestinians, who both harbor legitimate national and existential aspirations.

How will Barack Obama simultaneously counter the perception that the U.S. is indifferent to Palestinian grievances and preserve America’s special relationship with Israel? Can he help bring substantive change and genuine hope into a conflict that is in desperate need of both?

Jehred Luis Reyes

