
All smoke, little action

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Re “Smoking ban may go outside,” Jan. 8

If this proposal passes, the real issue would be its enforcement. And that means this law must have teeth. As we witness most every time we drive, the law against using hand-held cellphones is not being taken seriously by many, given the almost meaningless fine. In the event the smoking ban does become law -- with a similar minuscule fine -- it also would be largely unenforceable because the police have many more important things to do.

Ron Romanosky



You know, the world was a saner (and more enjoyable) place when we smoked -- whenever and wherever. The legislating of every aspect of our lives has clearly gone overboard. We are not each the center of the universe, contrary to what your mother may have told you. The wee bit of smoke that may waft your way while you’re walking down the sidewalk ain’t gonna kill ya.

Stephany Yablow

North Hollywood
