
He kept us safe

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Re “Bush and history,” editorial, Jan. 19

The Times writes that “no one would dispute that the president must be vigilant about preventing another devastating terrorist attack,” but then complains about President Bush’s “flawed policies.” In spite of all the negatives that can be said about those policies, one thing is more important: In the years since 9/11, not once was the U.S. subject to a major attack at home or abroad, and no headlines reported thousands of American casualties. This is not because of a lack of trying or the demise of our enemies. Someone was losing sleep over this for the last eight years -- President Bush.

We can argue forever about his “flawed policies,” but are we willing to trade “flawed policies” for thousands of American casualties? The Times’ argument is made under the implicit assumption that such a trade-off never existed.

Nahum Gat

Manhattan Beach
