
Fans first

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I see the same ESPN poll that I can proudly point out rates the Angels as most fan-friendly also rates Dodger Stadium high in stadium experience but below average in fan experience. This confirms what I’ve known for years. While Dodger Stadium is still a great place to watch a ballgame, it would be so much better without Dodgers fans.

Ron Reeve



I’m rushing out immediately to purchase tickets to Angel Stadium. After all, it was recently voted the top fan experience in the nation. Of course, on the way, I’ll have to stop off for weapons and self-defense courses. Lest we forget, in April a fan died following an in-stadium brawl, while just last week an off-duty cop opened fire on two hoodlums who attacked him.

Since the Dodgers are ranked No. 50, will I need full body armor on my next visit to Chavez Ravine?


Mark Hersberger

San Diego
