
Robert Rodriguez plans ‘Predators’

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Fifteen years ago, a young-gun filmmaker named Robert Rodriguez was hired to write a new “Predator” film and now, looking back, he can chuckle at the final product he delivered. “It was this crazy, intense off-world story and there was just no way it could be made. The technology wasn’t there yet.” That was then, but this is now. “Predators,” as it will be called, is happening for summer 2010 release and Rodriguez is producing. The writer/director/producer has proven himself not only as a distinct voice in genre films (“Sin City,” “From Dusk Till Dawn,” “Planet Terror”) but also as a master of making big-looking hit films on relatively small budgets. “Predators” will be shot in his home state of Texas on a lean budget away from Hollywood studio machinations. So, what’s the plot of this revival? “It takes place off-world, which is great, and there’s a lot of them out there.” And what about the prey? “Let’s just say if there were no predators, the humans in this story would probably kill each other.”

-- Geoff Boucher

For more on Robert Rodriguez’s “Predators” script and his upcoming family movie “Shorts,” go to
