
That’s the Chicago way

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Re “Green shake,” Opinion, June 11

As I was reading the Op-Ed article headlined “Green shake,” I was convinced that after the author graduated from the petty crimes and misdemeanors while working at Wrigley Field in Chicago, he probably led a life of crime, became a Chicago mob boss or ended up serving time.

How surprised I was to learn that he became an attorney.

Mike Clark

Los Angeles


I had always suspected how business was done in Chicago: The power of the “green shake.”

I guess almost every culture has its way of inducing deals to be made. Like it or not, that’s how business often is done. Maybe that’s why we voters are so suspicious of politicians: Is that what campaign contributions amount to? At least the underage kid selling “little Coke” wasn’t really doing any harm. Like it or not, the green shake may be an integral part of our lives.

George Epstein

Los Angeles
