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Re “Brain dead,” Opinion, June 14

Marc Cooper gets it exactly right about Newt Gingrich, the “zombie politician.”

But he forgot to mention the reason Newt still walks among us: the Fox “News” Channel. Every time I’m surfing channels and I happen by mistake to land there, I have to watch a commentary by Gingrich or former Vice President Dick Cheney. That channel makes me long for the days of the Fairness Doctrine.

Seth Hill



With all the hateful political rancor displayed by the elite media lately, it was refreshing to read Cooper’s article.

Cooper’s vitriolic diatribe shows us that anyone with a PC can disrespect an ex-speaker of the House, a bestselling author and an American patriot.


Steven Farley

Thousand Oaks


Let me see if I understand Cooper. If one is a philandering adulterer, he is not qualified to be president. Let’s see -- what about FDR and Dwight Eisenhower? JFK was the grand marshal of philanderers, with Bill Clinton a poor second. Sorry, I may have left out a few other presidents who were also scoundrels.

Seems to me Gingrich is well qualified.

Robert N. Cleaves

Los Angeles


Cooper’s vicious, personal and biased diatribe against Gingrich was more fitting for the pages of the National Enquirer.

Why doesn’t he write about President Obama’s 20-year membership in a church headed by the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., and Obama naively claiming he didn’t hear Wright’s rantings?


Edward Golden



This is an excellent article, but I believe Cooper’s tone is too cavalier. The role of the media in resurrecting Gingrich is more blameworthy than Cooper suggests. The rhetoric of empty suits with personal agendas like Gingrich only serves to further divide our country into a polarized nation, intentionally begun in earnest by Clinton-era neocons and continuing still.

The outgrowth -- with the rise in gun sales, the hatred and the right-wing extremists -- is continued violence by the “hate crowd.”

Jim Hoover

Huntington Beach


I have seen Gingrich speak on two occasions. His arguments and discussions are intellectually stimulating and profound. He provides an alternate viewpoint in this political country of ours.


Cooper’s ranting compares to some diatribe made by a political hack.

Andrew Matthew

Oak Park
