
Clarkson and a nose that grows

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Everyone should talk about: Kelly Clarkson’s “All I Ever Wanted”

After the album leaked online last month got an advance rave in this paper, there’s no reason not to give Clarkson a second chance. “My December” is in the past. Her new disc promises plenty of Pink-style independent woman, kiss-off power pop that shreds her every last vocal cord. In the best way, of course. (Tuesday)


Got kids? You will want to talk about: “Pinocchio”

Forget having a wooden nose. Being turned into a donkey for lying? Traumatized for life. Now you can work that same magic -- newly restored in a 70th-anniversary platinum edition -- on your little ones. (Tuesday)


Speaking of trauma, I’m intrigued enough to want to talk about: “Tokyo Sonata”

Japanese horror director Kiyoshi Kurosawa trades in those freaky black amorphous ghosts -- the memory of “Pulse” still makes me shudder -- for, get this, a quiet family drama. Of course, the silence in “Tokyo Sonata,” about a patriarch who loses his job to devastating effect, is still explosive. (Friday)



Can’t wait to talk about: the season finale of “Secret Diary of a Call Girl”

Alex and Hannah are having a rough time making a go of it, especially when “Belle,” her call girl alter ego, is tempted with one last job offer from a mystery client who asks specifically for her. Come on. Alex is a doctor. A hot doctor. I fear this one is going to come back to bite her in the you-know-what. (Today)


To talk or not to talk about: “The Edge of Love”

On one hand, there’s the premise: The World War II-set film is loosely based on the intrigues among poet Dylan Thomas (Matthew Rhys), his wife (Sienna Miller) and their married friends (Keira Knightley and Cillian Murphy). On the other hand, Miller is a replacement for original cast member Lindsay Lohan. (Friday)


If you’re not already talking about: this year’s Oscar-nominated dramas “Milk” and “Rachel Getting Married” . . .


For shame. But at least now you can. Both are out on DVD this week. (Tuesday)

-- Denise Martin
