
The mail must go somewhere

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Re “Hundreds of mailboxes stamped out,” March 18

What amazes us about the elimination of more than 900 mailboxes in the last several weeks is that the U.S. Postal Service could undertake this project without any input from the community.

Our local post office told us that the boxes were removed due to the low volume of mail. The person we spoke to sympathized with our complaint but did not know where our nearest mailbox was now located.

We would suggest that at a minimum the post office should print and distribute to affected areas the locations of the remaining mailboxes, including the schedule of pickups at each box. We also urge Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) to investigate the impact of the Postal Service action on our elderly and disabled residents as well as local businesses.


Elaine and

Michael Diamond

Los Angeles
