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Re “In Oakland, tracing the bloody chain of events,” March 23

What am I missing here? In his first 26 years, Lovelle Shawn Mixon racked up a string of juvenile violations and convictions for drug possession, auto theft, assault with a deadly weapon, identity theft, forgery and grand theft. You would think someone would have noticed this guy was a bad actor. And yet we get him back on our streets after only nine months in prison.

It’s time to rethink this idea of parole. Maybe we shouldn’t have it. You do a crime, you do the sentence. The longer these guys stay in prison, the fewer crimes may be committed. Maybe parole agents could switch to higher-paying jobs as prison guards.

Everyone would be happy -- except the bad guys, of course.

Raymon Riordan



How many more police officers will be killed by thugs with assault weapons before Congress overrides the powerful gun lobby and outlaws these weapons of mass destruction?


Marcia Goodman

Long Beach
