
Letters to the editor

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Re “Not so quiet on the northern front,” May 10

Canada has thousands of soldiers in Afghanistan fighting an American war, and it does not send thousands of illegal workers to leech off U.S. Medicare and schools and welfare.

There are no gun battles and huge drug- smuggling operations on the northern border.

Canadian winter vacationers keep the Florida economy afloat for half the year. Canadians are your blood brothers and neighbors and should be treated that way.

Marie Clarke

Barrie, Ontario, Canada


The Canadian border is often overlooked when issues of homeland security arise.

One hardly hears of terrorists or drug trafficking from our neighbors to the north because the emphasis is usually placed on Mexico. This is changing, and rightly so; it would make sense for one plotting to harm the U.S. to enter through the least conspicuous gateway.


As a citizen of the United States, I feel safer knowing that not just anybody can enter this country on the basis of an oral declaration.

After all, anyone from anywhere is capable of being ill-intentioned.

Shaina Lumpkin

Rancho Cucamonga
